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Goals and main activities of the association.

The main purpose of the Association’s activities:

Providing charitable assistance to people in need.

The main activities of the Association:

– Charitable activities;

– Strengthening friendship between peoples;

– Participation in charity events;

– Consulting services;

The main tasks of the Association:

Educational, humanitarian and charitable activities;

Organization and holding of lectures, seminars, press conferences with members of Public Associations on educational and charitable programs and other socially significant projects for the general population;

Interaction with museum organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad in all forms of ownership, through donations, archives;

Assistance in the implementation of charitable projects;

Coordination of practical activities of Public Associations;

Holding Club events;

Organization of lectures with scientific and scientific-practical conferences in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;

Exchange, organization and holding of meetings, seminars, symposiums, other forms of cooperation with partner organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad;

Publication of historical materials of a literary, cultural and educational nature;

Charity and holding various socially significant events.

With certain types of activities specified in the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “on licensing”, the association may operate only on the basis of a license.

The Association has the right to engage in entrepreneurial activity within the framework of its obligation to spend the income from this entrepreneurial activity exclusively for the fulfillment of its statutory goals.